Manettte Community Church Soccer Camp

July 15-19, 2024 - 9:30 am - 12:20 pm
Manette Park Playground


Student Information

Does the student have any medical conditions that may require special attention during the Soccer Camp? 

Parent or Guardian Information

Insurance & Medical Consent

If it should become necessary for my child to receive medical treatment for any reason, the staff will make every effort to contact the person listed in this form as the Emergency Contact person.  If we are unable to reach this person and need to get treatment for the student, I give my consent to all medical, surgical, diagnostic and hospital procedures prescribed by a physician to safeguard my child’s health.

Student Agreement

I understand and have explained to my child that attendance at Soccer Camp is a privilege, not a right and agree to the following behavior:

Please note: In case of inclement weather, Soccer Camp may move to Manette Community Church on the corner of E. 13th & Hayward Ave, 2 blocks west of Manette Park Playground.